Member Projects & Blogs

The following are personal websites and blogs from some of our AODA members.  If you’d like to be included on this list, please contact the AODA office at  These blogs represent individual members’ perspectives and beliefs.

Member Blogs and Websites

The Druid’s Garden – Spiritual Journeys in Tending the Land, Permaculture, Wildcrafting, and Regenerative Living maintained Grand Archdruid Dana O’Driscoll.

Green Mountain Mage – A blog exploring the path of the natural magician.

Living Low in the Lou – a gardening blog by Archdruid of Water, Claire Schosser.

Oak and Thorn – A personal website for our former Archdruid of Fire, Adam Robersmith.

Through the Distant Woods– A blog from Jeffrey Keefer, Druid Candidate in AODA.

The Coast Range Druid. Wildcrafting a Path of Druidry in Central California.  a blog by Druid Companion Larisa White.

Weekly notes from Fernglade farm:A weekly blog about AODA spirituality and farming from AODA Candidate Chris McLeod.

The ADHDruid A blog about the struggles and benefits of being a neurodivergent Druid, by AODA Candidate Kendria Madrone.

Member Projects

Quercus Academy — a learning community for young druids and homeschoolers engaged in nature study, explorations in arts & culture, and quiet contemplation. — created by Druid Companion, Larisa White.

